RuneScape is a MMO with some folks spending their time seeking to compete for ranking placements on the highscores, although doing only skilling. While even still, others just spend their time making as much money as possible through the grand exchange, RuneScape's auction house equal. In OSRS some players spend their time fighting each other, and will build new accounts with the sole aim of being used to fight "PK".
RuneScape is exceptional in a time where games are basically"finish the story then perform dungeons and raids". It takes thousands of hours to'complete'RuneScape. These hours however aren't spent playing all of the time. While I discuss spending hours doing fletching a day, I truly mean spending 6 hours clicking a few times a minute when watching netflix or talking to your friends. I play games while I'm doing the boring things on RuneScape. And maybe the most important factor of all... Your progress made in RuneScape is advancement made for lifetime. If you get a 99 in an art, that 99 isn't leaving your account.
Every pursuit you are doing, is a quest that you won't ever need to do again. If you take a two year break, when you return it's still helpful. No expansion has increased the level cap, making your achievements useless. Even if the level cap is increased (as some are at rs3) you still have that 99. Gear upgrades in RuneScape aren't overshadowed. The thing about WoW is that I'm back where I started. I may aswell have not played with with the expansion for the progress it got me. RuneScape isn't like this. What I do now, will matter in a year, or five years.
I decided to get membership (again) after being burnt out a couple days with the purpose of getting past the ancient grind and into the bossing (or especially Barrows, that is a minigame), which seemed like fun for me. Trained a great deal of skills to match all quest requirements. A lot of it is afk-able, but nevertheless enjoyable to advancement in; Completed about a dozen or so quests because of progression (such as equipment unlocks). Some are very memorable and returning to those areas for other reasons recalls those memories (Underground Pass anybody?).
Did my initial run of the boss I desired to learn way undergeared. It was not effective in time or cost, but a ton of fun to be able to get it done and it felt in the end like an achievement. Updated my gear and heard about RuneScape. Did about 100 boss runs over the course of a couple weeks advancing over time and utilizing the loot I got to improve my gear. Every improvement, however minor, was noteworthy because you construct a framework of reference. It is really about establishing a goal and working towards it, even though what that goal is that ought to decide yourself. My journey had roughly 100 measures in it, each becoming me a bit closer to my goal and finally it was achieved by me. When I'd scratched my itch I allow the membership perish, but the next time I really feel the urge to play with I already know that I wish to get to and learn Zulrah. And I can do Barrows to take a rest.
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